Mind-Bending Experience At Immersive Van Gogh
I love traveling and experiencing new things all the time.
A lot of my friends had been sharing their experience about Immersive Van Gogh show and I always wanted to experience it.
Unfortunately, I could not visit any such thing in India so when I moved back to Toronto, I was desperately waiting for the exhibition to reopen. Finally it opened in February and I convinced my brother who is my travel buddy these days, to visit this amazing place with me.
Before going to the exhibition, I did research about Van Gogh and his work. You must also be familiar with his famous works like Sunflowers, Starry Nights, The Potato Eaters, and several other magnificent art pieces. I was expecting to see his paintings in the exhibition.
Art can be enjoyed in various forms.
When you look at these paintings, you can get all kinds of thoughts. Every person thinks differently and that’s why all of us have varied perspectives.
Art enables us to understand ourselves better. I often relate with paintings that are more obvious or speak directly. The ones that do not have any hidden meanings.
But Immersive Van Gogh changed the art lover in me.
So, let’s spill the details:
Right now, you can get your Immersive Van Gogh tickets on this website.
Normal tickets are of $45 and the exhibit duration is 35-40 minutes. I would advise you to experience it first and then stay for pictures and videos as we did.
You can book tickets on the website or get them at the location at 1 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Get Ready To Enter Another Dimension
Just when you enter, you see that you are surrounded by art from everywhere.
It feels as if you have walked inside Van Gogh’s paintings and now you are a piece of art yourself.
There are circles on the floor where you can choose to sit and watch the exhibit in any direction. There is also a podium where you can stand for a few minutes and have a bird-eye view of the hall.
Every painting is set in motion and you get immersed in it.
Not just the animations, but the music plays an integral role here. The soundtracks have a deep impact on you while you witness Van Gogh’s art.
At times, I was so lost in the paintings that I felt I was the only one there whereas there were so many people going through the same magical experience.
I would happily go there again for a date with my husband once he is here!
I feel like a Sunflower in Van Gogh’s painting!